Speakers and Performers

黃子欣 Chantal WONG

黃子欣 Chantal WONG

Eaton HK 文化總監
Director of Culture, Eaton HK
簡佩坤 Judy KAN

簡佩坤 Judy KAN

Her Fund 行政總監 Executive Director, Her Fund
Dr. Lucy Lord

Dr. Lucy Lord

婦產科醫生/Central Health Medical Practice 的創始高級合夥人 Obstetrician & Gyneacologist, Senior Founding Partner Central Health Medical Group
Ophelia Jacarini

Ophelia Jacarini

藝術家 Artist

Ariana Magazine

Ariana Magazine

非牟利雙語雜誌 Not-for-profit Bilingual Magazine
鄺惠怡 Waiyi KWONG

鄺惠怡 Waiyi KWONG

媒體藝術家 Media Artist
天水圍社區發展網絡 Tin Shui Wai Community Development Network

天水圍社區發展網絡 Tin Shui Wai Community Development Network

非牟利社會服務團體 Non-profit Social Service Groups


印度尼西亞移民工人工會主席/印尼移工網絡主席/外籍傭工 Chairperson of IMWU / Chairperson of Indonesian Migrant Network-JBMI Migrant Domestic Workers / Migrant Domestic Worker

香港婦女中心協會 Hong Kong Federation of Women’s Centres

香港婦女中心協會 Hong Kong Federation of Women’s Centres

婦女團體 Women Group
陳雪儀 Crystal CHAN

陳雪儀 Crystal CHAN

Anti480反性暴力資源中心主任 Anti480-Anti Sexual Violence Resource Centre Officer
冼嘉盈 Gabriella Zanzanaini

冼嘉盈 Gabriella Zanzanaini

Director of Pipeline Initiatives 領袖項目總監
Kate Springer

Kate Springer

Ariana雜誌管理編輯 Managing Editor of Ariana Magazine

雷安喬 Lean LUI

雷安喬 Lean LUI

攝影師 Photographer
Tanja Wessels

Tanja Wessels

可持續時尚倡導者 Sustainable fashion advocate
張艾渟 Zip CHEUNG

張艾渟 Zip CHEUNG

老正工作室創辦人及行政總裁 Founder and CEO, OHH Dear Communications
梁穎華 Jean LEUNG

梁穎華 Jean LEUNG

銀髮模特兒 Silver-aged Model

黃鈺螢 Sonia WONG

黃鈺螢 Sonia WONG

女影香港創辦人 / WFHK 創辦人 / 性別研究學者
Founder of Reel Women HK, Founder of WFHK, Gender Studies Scholar
譚雅瑩 Denise Tam

譚雅瑩 Denise Tam

抗癌戰士 / 整全營養師 Cancer Survivor / Holistic Nutritionist
傳燈法師 Ven. SHI Chuan Deng

傳燈法師 Ven. SHI Chuan Deng

大覺福行中心住持、佛教院侍部主管 Abbess of SPGAHK, and In-charge of Buddhist Chaplaincy Unit
黃曉晴 Hiu Ching WONG Sasa

黃曉晴 Hiu Ching WONG Sasa

媒體藝術家 Media Artist

黃嘉瀛 Ka Ying WONG

黃嘉瀛 Ka Ying WONG

池衍昌 Hin Cheong CHI

池衍昌 Hin Cheong CHI

非暴力溝通導師 / ICF Professional Coach in Transformation / Internal Family Systems實踐者及「創傷同學會」發起人 / Nonviolent Communication Mentor
吳綽靈 Cheuk Ling NG

吳綽靈 Cheuk Ling NG

Anti480反性暴力資源中心 / 社區組織幹事, Community Organization Officer of Anti480
倪德健 Tak Kin NGAI

倪德健 Tak Kin NGAI

午夜藍總幹事 Director of Midnight Blue

鄭詩靈 Sealing CHENG

鄭詩靈 Sealing CHENG

香港中文大學人類學系副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
羅博士 Dr. LO

羅博士 Dr. LO

大專院校心理學講師 / 美國心理學會(APA)會員 / 香港心理學會副院士(AFHKPS) Lecturer in Psychology in tertiary institutions / Member of American Psychological Association (APA) / Associate Fellow of Hong Kong Psychological Association (AFHKPS)
Dr. Mark L Gandolfi

Dr. Mark L Gandolfi

臨床心理學家/人際關係教練/臨床督導員, Clinical Psychologist/Relationship Coach/Clinical Supervisor
江紹祺博士 Travis KONG

江紹祺博士 Travis KONG

香港大學社會學系副教授/社會學家, Associate Professor of HKU Department of Sociology/Sociologist

陳曉蕾 Leila CHAN

陳曉蕾 Leila CHAN

大銀 Big Silver 總監 Director of Big Sliver
Po Po G

Po Po G

Activist 運動提倡者 / The Chief 族長