Judy 是一名創變者,同時不斷學習。她是造夢者,夢想所有人都能活在一個更美好的世界。因此,她與社區內面對不公、缺乏資源但富有智慧、抱負和愛的人一起創造可能。 她於2007年加入婦女動力基金,任職項目幹事,並於2018年起成為行政總監。在加入婦女動力基金之前,她為一組織者,與地區婦女和年青人一起推動在地權益工作。她同時是註冊社工。 她閒時喜歡旅遊、行山、欣賞美食,與家人友好共聚。
Judy is a change-maker and always be a learner. She is a dreamer and dreams for a better world for all, so she committed herself to work with and for the community who are facing unjustice and least resources but full of wisdom, aspiration and love. She joined HER Fund as a Programme Officer since 2007, and became Executive Director since 2018. Before she joined HER Fund, she was an organizer to work closely with women and young people in the community. She is a registered Social Worker. She likes travelling, hiking, good food and meeting with family and friends.