前記者、背包客。畢業於香港中文大學新聞與傳媒學院,2016年將傳媒經驗融合社創,創辦香港首間銀髮模特兒及市場推廣公司「老正工作室」,盼以創新手法推動Active ageing,以回應人口高齡化所帶動的銀髮經濟。目前「老正工作室」團隊積極參與香港及新加坡逾200個廣告及市場推廣企劃。
Former journalist, backpacker from Hong Kong. Graduated from School of Journalism and Communications of CUHK, envisioning to foster a city with quality longevity, Zip founded Hong Kong’s very own “Silver-hair” (senior) model and marketing agency OHH Dear Communications in 2016. In light of social innovation, OHH Dear aims to cultivate a positive image and attitude for active ageing, to develop innovative ideas with social and market value, as well as to promote intergeneration communication and foster social harmony in Hong Kong. OHH Dear team has participated in more than 200 advertising and marketing campaigns in Hong Kong and Singapore.