吳綽靈是Anti480(反性暴力資源中心)的社區組織幹事。 ANTI480 = 反性暴力。 「ANTI」是反對、反抗、防止及反擊的意思。 「480」是「性暴力」的諧音。 我們認為要有效對抗性暴力事件,必須由教育做起!我們透過反性暴力教育,並與青少年探討對意願之理解,帶出尊重他人意願之訊息,以及提升他們的反性暴力意識及回應性暴力的能力。 我們認為性別不僅僅只是生物特徵上的男女之別,而是一種由社會和文化所建構的產物。因此性別平等教育目的是讓青少年認識性別氣質並反思自身之性別經歷,了解氣質本質並無性別之分,並尊重不同氣質的人,讓青少年不再受壓於性別偏見、歧視與刻板印象,能自由選擇表現自己的方式,建構性別平等的多元社會。
Ng Cheuk Ling is one of the Secretary of the organization, ANTI480. ANTI480 = ANTI SEXUAL VIOLENCE ‘ANTI’ AS IN OPPOSE OR AGAINST ‘480’ AS IN SEXUAL VIOLENCE IN CHINESE Anti480 believes that awareness in gender equity and non-violent sexual coexistence is the root to fighting sexual violence. Since the inception in 2005, Anti480 – Anti Sexual Violence Resource Centre, set up by the Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women , has sought to educate the public by reaching out to campuses and the community at large; through reports and publications, we raised awareness in the fight against sexual violence and gender equity.