Demystify Aging: A Panel
Demystify Aging: A Panel

女影香港創辦人 / WFHK 創辦人 / 性別研究學者
Founder of Reel Women HK, Founder of WFHK, Gender Studies Scholar
Oct 24, 2020 星期六 Saturday 3:30pm - 4:45pm | |
香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong | |
Cantonese 廣東話 | |
參與網上直播 Online: HK$50 網上全日票 Online All Day Pass: HK$225 (Oct 24th) HK$180 (Oct 25th) HK$360 (Oct 24th-25th) 親身參與 In-person: HK$80
* 購買網上直播門票後,我們將會於該活動開場前的一小時發 Zoom 連結到參加者的電郵信箱,請確定填寫正確電郵地址。
* 已售門票不設退款。如因政府抗疫政策令節目不能接受現場參加者,「親身參與」門票將自動改為「網上直播門票」。所有門票收益會捐贈註冊慈善機構關注婦女性暴力協會。
* 購票後,你將會收到電子門票。活動場地資料將於電子門票上詳細顯示。
* We will send out a Zoom link to the emails of participants who have purchased the online ticket one hour before the event starts.
* All tickets are non-refundable. If physical participation is restricted due to government policies, "In-person" tickets will be treated as "Online" tickets. All ticket profits will be donated to registered charity Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women.
* After purchasing the tickets, the venue location can be found at the remark of the E-Ticket.
全日親身參與套票 In-Person All Day Pass
Founder's event intro in Cantonese:
Founder's event intro in Cantonese:
如果講你聽,即使上了年紀,你的生活都可以活得自在,甚至繼續追逐夢想和愛情,你會有懷疑嗎? 你有想過,究竟上年紀之後的你會變成怎樣嗎? 老了的自己又可以活出怎樣的人生呢?
近年開始流行著一詞 - 「銀髮族」,而這群「族人」正是擁有散發著鋒鋩的銀髮的長者,更有人稱「銀髮族」為「新中年」!在媒體上對於長者的刻板印象都不外乎是「被照顧」,但現實中銀髮族仍然活躍於不同的範疇,更加展示了不遜於年青人的精力與魅力!是次分享會邀請到幾位來自不同領域的嘉賓分享關於不同「銀髮族」的故事,分別是「老正工作室」的創辦人兼CEO Zip Cheung及銀髮模特兒 Jean 、年長男同志歷史研究學者江紹祺博士及「晚同牽」的「叔叔」,以及「大銀Big Silver」總監陳曉蕾,為你同我印證年月的痕跡並不可怕。
主持: 黃鈺螢(性別研究學者)
Age will dye our hair silver.
The "silver-haired community" has become increasingly visible and the term is used with more frequency in Hong Kong. Recognised as an active group of seniors they help to reimagine aging in the city.
I ask myself, what kind of a person will I become when I get older? Or what kind of person do I want to be when I pass a certain age? What kind of physical and mental concerns will I have when I am over 50? How will I understand the term 'senior'?
Are you worrying about aging? Are you concerned about mobility and living freely? The guests on this panel will demystify aging for you!
We are honored to have with us Zip Cheung, Founder and CEO of OHH Dear Communications (a Silver haired modeling agency), Jean Leung, Model from OHH Dear Communications, Dr Travis Kong, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong who continues his comparative study of older gay men, and Leila Chan, Chief Executive of Big Sliver. They will share research and personal stories about age. Because perhaps age is not that scary after at all!
Zip Cheung (Founder and CEO, OHH Dear Communications)
Jean Leung (Silver-aged Model )
Leila Chan (Big Silver Co-Founder)
Member of Gay & Grey
Travis Kong (HKU Associate Professor in Sociology)
Moderator: Sonia Wong (Gender Studies Scholar)
近年開始流行著一詞 - 「銀髮族」,而這群「族人」正是擁有散發著鋒鋩的銀髮的長者,更有人稱「銀髮族」為「新中年」!在媒體上對於長者的刻板印象都不外乎是「被照顧」,但現實中銀髮族仍然活躍於不同的範疇,更加展示了不遜於年青人的精力與魅力!是次分享會邀請到幾位來自不同領域的嘉賓分享關於不同「銀髮族」的故事,分別是「老正工作室」的創辦人兼CEO Zip Cheung及銀髮模特兒 Jean 、年長男同志歷史研究學者江紹祺博士及「晚同牽」的「叔叔」,以及「大銀Big Silver」總監陳曉蕾,為你同我印證年月的痕跡並不可怕。
主持: 黃鈺螢(性別研究學者)
Age will dye our hair silver.
The "silver-haired community" has become increasingly visible and the term is used with more frequency in Hong Kong. Recognised as an active group of seniors they help to reimagine aging in the city.
I ask myself, what kind of a person will I become when I get older? Or what kind of person do I want to be when I pass a certain age? What kind of physical and mental concerns will I have when I am over 50? How will I understand the term 'senior'?
Are you worrying about aging? Are you concerned about mobility and living freely? The guests on this panel will demystify aging for you!
We are honored to have with us Zip Cheung, Founder and CEO of OHH Dear Communications (a Silver haired modeling agency), Jean Leung, Model from OHH Dear Communications, Dr Travis Kong, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong who continues his comparative study of older gay men, and Leila Chan, Chief Executive of Big Sliver. They will share research and personal stories about age. Because perhaps age is not that scary after at all!
Zip Cheung (Founder and CEO, OHH Dear Communications)
Jean Leung (Silver-aged Model )
Leila Chan (Big Silver Co-Founder)
Member of Gay & Grey
Travis Kong (HKU Associate Professor in Sociology)
Moderator: Sonia Wong (Gender Studies Scholar)
- 門票持有人請於活動開始前 15 分鐘到場。
- 已售門票不設退款。
- 主辦單位保留拒絕任何人士入場而毋須給予理由的權利。
- 申請人請注意自己的身體狀況,並考慮是否適宜參加相關的活動。如有疑問,請徵詢醫生的意見。
- 主辦單位保留更改大會條款及細則之權利。如有任何爭議,主辦單位保留最終決定權。
- 惡劣天氣安排:
- 黑色暴雨:活動將繼續進行。
- 八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號:正在進行的活動會繼續; 若活動開始前兩小時內將會懸掛信號或信號已經生效,未舉行的活動即告取消。如活動取消,可能會改期進行,或參加者可選擇安排退款。
- 參加者如購票或參加活動即同意大會條款及細則及個別活動的條款及細則。
- Participants please arrive 15 minutes before event start time.
- Sold tickets cannot be refunded.
- The Organizer reserves the right to reject any particular person to participate in the event without reasons.
- Applicants should be aware of their health condition, and consider whether it is suitable for them to enrol in the activity. In case of doubt, please consult a doctor prior to the enrolment of activity.
- The Organizer reserves the right to amend the program of the rules and regulations. Should there be any dispute, the Organizer reserves the right to the final decision.
- Inclement Weather Arrangements:
- Black Rainstorm Warning: All programme will continue as scheduled.
- Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above: Programme that have started will continue. If warning signal is in effect 2 hours prior to the start of the programme, the programme will be cancelled. The programme may be re-scheduled, or the participants can choose to receive refund.
- Participant agrees to the main terms and conditions and specific terms and conditions when they purchase tickets or participate in the events.
全日親身參與套票 In-Person All Day Pass