Sringatin 於2004年加入IMWU,利用空餘時間為IMWU做志願工作,擔任吉他班老師。在2006年,她被任命成為IMWU的執行委員會成員。她的任務是為在香港的印尼移工做輔導工作。
Sringatin was joined with IMWU since 2004, during that time she committed her free time to do voluntary work for IMWU as a Guitar Class mentor. In 2006, she has been appointed as Sub Executive Committee member of IMWU. Her task is to conduct advocacy work, including counseling work for Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong who work as FDW.
Active in the campaign on ILC C189, elected as speak person of Justice for Erwiana, Asian Migrant Coordinating Body(AMCB ), choosing as 10 of Hero In Hong Kong.